The first ever UCI World Championship in Gravel
Veneto, ITaly
The date of Sunday 9 October 2022 will enter the history of cycling as the first edition of the UCI Gravel World Championships, within the setting of the amazing Veneto Region, outside Venice.
The Nordic Trailblazer qualified though the 5th in the Gravel World Series in Halmstad, Sweden, and another 7th in the World Series in Ranxo Gravel, Cataluna. He has not been outside top 7 in any Gravel World Series Race.
In Veneto he will race in the elite category among pro riders like Peter Sagan and Carlos Verona.
The elite route is 194 km. It starts in Vicenza, follows the rider to Padua, then the river to Citadella. In Citadella there will be to loops of 26 km before the and finish.
The route should be fast, with some narrow gravel paths. It's pancake flat with only 600 meter elevation over the whole course.
It's forecasted 20°C, and dry (as of September 24)
I will publish content on Instagram. Follow my page: @nordictrailblazer
If there is a live stream will will share the link here.
Read more about the event on the official website.
October 6th:
18.00 p.m: Travel to Venice
October 7th:
11.00 a.m: Recon training
3.00 p.m: Meeting elite categories national coaches
October 8th:
11.00 a.m: Race prep ride
October 9th:
12.00 p.m.: Elite starts
17.00 p.m. Estimated finish